North Charleston, SC
Our training sets goals for students in the form of learning objectives, and provides information that will allow students to meet those goals. We test our students during and after training to ensure the goals are being met. These goals focus on the safe performance of workplace duties, and certification serves as an indicator of student comprehension.
It is the goal of W.S.T.I. Group LLC. is to ensure training, both online and in the classroom, is current and diverse, and presented in a manner that fosters comprehension in the most effective way possible. This includes updating our course content, as well as the methods by which it is delivered, as new information and more effective teaching methods are identified.
Our ultimate objective is to provide excellent training that will help students , create safe healthy actions and workplaces.
W.S.T.I. Group LLC. also trains USCCA and NRA firearms classes as well as (A.V.E.R.T.) Active Violence Response Training classes. We are committed to providing the highest quality training and safety practices that promote responsible gun ownership. To teach the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for carrying, using and storing firearms safely.
Please call to schedule an appointment
Instructor/Trainer # 1999296
Professional firearms training can save your life, so don’t skip or settle for second-best when it comes to the Gun safety, Defensive shooting and Concealed carry classes you need to be prepared.
USCCA Instructor #2838785
NRA Instructor#262441777
Active Violence Emergency
Instructor # 1999296
Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training
Instructor #
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a lifesaving device that treats victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Which is a leading cause of death in the United States. AEDs provide an auditory prompt accompanied by visual instructions, making them user-friendly for bystanders without previous training.
We offer an assortment of high-quality, trusted AED trainers and live AED packages. In addition, we carry various brands of AED trainers and AED
trainer accessories, including Prestan, Zoll, HeartSine, Phillips, Defibtech, and Cardiac Science. Our live AEDs, AED accessories, and AED packages include
the following: HeartSine | Philips | Zoll | Cardiac Science | Defibtech |Physio Control
Training Supplies